Original source: https://www.valleynewslive.com/content/news/Heres-how-insurance-fraud-victimizes-all-consumers–511213801.html
All of the time we run around the internet nonstop to make you to realize to the betterment of having a Public Adjuster there to assist you. Take a look at this web post we ran across.
North Dakota Insurance Commissioner Jon Godfread claims a local insurance agency tipped off him about Goebe, who claimed a total of $22,985 in car wrecks. Godfread explains,”Insurance at its heart is basically pooling risk, directly, so we all join a pool jointly. So essentially if something happens, that cash pays us out, right? There are cases where there wasn’t an crash, and he is just filing the exact same claim. So he’s getting paid three, four, five, six times to precisely the exact identical damage.” The Cass County State Attorney says if Scott Goebel is found guilty, he could spend up to 10 years in jail and be fined $20,000, as well as paying back the nearly $23,000 in deceptive claims. Godfread states on average North Dakotans pay an extra $950 per year in premiums due to insurance fraud. He warns that there’s no need to face someone straight at the scene of a wreck —but to reach out into his department. “If something doesn’t feel appropriate, we only ask that you give us a call,” Godfread states,”then we could take it from there.”… Read More
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