What Everyone Needs to Know About a Flooded Basement
Hey it’s. Okay, the window downstairs is broken. We’re up here, and the only thing that can happen to us right now is the water coming in very slowly. This storm went from really fun to really terrible.
Oh, my gosh. I need you two to go put something around the outside of this window: okay, what i don’t know, but throw that assortment. Okay, yeah come on! Oh my god: [ Music, ], [ Applause, ], [, Music, ], okay, listen! We can’t freak out that’s, a good idea. 
Look at that! Yeah! Hey! Stop! Will you please what savannah we’re, not just sweating too! That’s. What i said, oh my gosh, the! What is flying to stop garage? Can you not? Oh, no um. Those blinds are broken, so we’re going to gonna be floating around here.
Okay, oh my god. We’re, not watching those lines out. Can you take those blinds? Oh, my god, that’s. Why everyone’s, saying that’s? Why we’re saying? Oh, my gosh! Oh my god! What’s? The problem that window’s gonna come out our whole.
Oh no, oh there’s like 40 boxes. In there books there’s. Problems, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, stop playing it go, go, go! Go! Take this to the counter. Take this to counter counter counter counter.
Go, go, go, go! Is it okay in here it’s. Fine in here we need a wooden stuff. That’s, good, that’s. This we can’t, take them upstairs, hey friends in the couches you go upstairs upstairs. Yes, okay, our basement is flooded.
Our house is flooded. It’s completely flooded there’s. I was worried about the upstairs. The basement is a or anyway, we’re, bringing all the couches up. Now i say we look at this danielle mara. Our basement is done flooded.
Oh boy, [, Music, ]! Please! I’m freaking out right now. Look at me: [, Music, ], so fuzzy, hey it’s. Okay, the window downstairs is broken. It bursts open, you can listen. Um people are downstairs, they’re kind of freaking out.
I’m scared, but i’m scared, but i’m, not even crying yeah. I’m. Sorry, if i’m sorry, if this is kind of shaky, i’m like really shaking right. Now it’s cause i’m cold. I’m scared. We’re, having a flash flood mom and dad’s on the carpet.
It’s about that. That thick is wet. Oh, i’m shaking so much. This is a scary time, but it’s. Okay, it’s; okay, [ Music, ] [ Applause ]. I know i know this is my beautifully flooded in the morning. No, it’s, not going fully flooded.
Don’t worry. We have to do school tomorrow. It’s. Fine, it’s only 9 30. guys. This is the best i can do. I’m devastated right now, but it’s just stuff. It’s, not even a big deal right. It’s just stuff.
It’s very frustrating very sad to see, but it’s just stuff. Okay, we need to go upstairs and stop it from getting into the upstairs. We got to get upstairs up there. Sarah, i know it scared! You! I’m.
Sorry, i’m. Sorry, i still love rain. I don’t care about this. You just scared! You, okay! Well, let’s, make sure everybody’s safe. Upstairs let’s. Go okay, walk in the bins. This is probably the scariest day of my life.
So far, um the window downstairs is burst. Carpets are flooded, it’s. Okay, we got the big couch upstairs we got most of the books. I’m. Sorry guys i am like shaking so much right. Now. I’m. So sorry [ Music ]! Oh no, are we having problems in here now? No, i don’t think so, but if it’s anywhere, it’s going to come right under this wall.
Well, in your mind, right now you’re scared of so we’re, not in the basement that’s safe. We’re safe from that. We’re up here, and the only thing that can happen to us right now is the water coming in very slowly.
It’s. Okay, that way, and upstairs there’s, no water, it’s, going off the roofs onto the ground, so there’s. Nothing to be scared of. It was scary for a minute trying to understand what was going on and trying to get all of our stuff out and save the basement, but we couldn’t save it so that’s.
The reason we got the reason i was busy. The reason i was scared downstairs is because the window broke and i thought tiara was right by it, and so i didn’t know if he got glass in him or what happened to him yeah.
So you just got scared, not knowing he was there, but you guys are upstairs and safe, and so it’s. Okay, yeah upstairs is the safest place. Okay, it’s. Done it’s, slowing down out there. There’s, so much water coming in the basement right now it’s, okay and and by the way like remember when we build our house on the highest point where we bought our hot water somewhere.
Someone’s. House is completely flooded, not just their basement. At least we have one room upstairs that’s, not wet all just live in the toy room. I guess it’s. Okay, we’ll, be all right. I don’t, see any other areas where it’s coming in what does the garage look like it’s in here in the carpet? Oh, no! It is not going up and over yet, though oh no, it’s.
I don’t know what to do. I don’t know either. Do you have a tarp and a shovel because we can go out? Put the tarp down and start shoveling dirt from the lawn on to try and build it. It’s not going to work there’s, just it’ll, just mud inside it’s coming in the foundation.
In the in the room, now it’s done we can’t stop it now. No, there’s, nothing. We can do um yeah all around the foundation. It’s coming in here now, right yeah, you can feel it there at the bottom. Does anybody know where the little kids are? I think they’re upstairs in the boys room? Okay, we need to get i don’t know what to do at this point: [: Music, ].
There is a house down the valley right now or 100 of them. That is having 10 times the problem i know, and in our neighborhood, probably too my gosh guys. This storm went from really fun to really terrible that’s. 
Where i’m heading, i wonder what this room looks like kitchen seems to be okay over here, um update, serendipitous house is flooding it’s, not flooding. It is flooded, it’s. Flooded, it’s. The basement yeah, this is fine, hey 2020, you can uh, you can stop now settle down just a little bit now, please.
You know what, though this is life. This is. There must need to be opposition in all things. Happy 2021! Let’s. Go! Let’s, go somebody was praying for rain and they got it and we’re right in the middle of it for a minute.
Okay, um. This just keeps going. Oh, my gosh [ Music, ], [, Music ], the food truck the food truck. We got ta get out there a little watering. Okay, so um is updating us on the butt or the trailer yeah.
So the there’s, a cracked uh vent up there, that’s, letting a little water in, but i stacked a whole bunch of things in a garbage can up to the roof. So there’s like a table and two coolers in a garbage can so it’s dripping into the garbage.
Can now yeah everything in there is designed to be covered in water. It’s. It’s completely weatherproof yeah, so trailer’s. Fine, quick up, quick update. We are not as excited about the storm as we were before there’s now water coming into the house, and that what we just showed you is the least of it guys.
This is our basement yep, that is an inside waterfall. We now have four inches at least of water in the basement completely covered and it’s, not slowing down emergency alert national weather service.
A flash flood warning is in effect from this area until 12 45 a.m. Mount our basement is going to be so full of water. 12. 45 a.m. I know i’m. I’m, hoping there is a dangerous and life-threatening situation if people are in slot canyons or otherwise.
They’re in some serious trouble. Luckily it’s sunday, and so everybody was heading back but look flash flood warning. In effect, until 12 45 a.m, yeah we & # 39. Ve got some hours. Our basement’s. Gon na be charlie.
You just brought water in the house. Why would you like water, but your house is a trailer okay. What can you do about water in the basement? You just hire a flooded mitigation company and get them come in here.
We got to get the professionals in here tomorrow. First thing: if we can, can we call them tonight? They’re, probably gonna. Can you speaking tonight because we want to get on the list it’s, not stopping guys.
This just keeps going. I’m gonna we’re gonna go down there and check it out here. [, Music, ], [ Applause, ], [, Music, ] unreal, unbelievable, we might be the only ones around, though that are flooding.
Everybody else is like. Oh everything’s; fine, just a storm. This is fun, while all their water, in their yard, is coming right into ours. This part, this part, is wet and right there as well. Yes, it is wet isn’t it.
Maybe you’re like yes, [, Music ]. It is in the closet, oh sarah, what yeah we have a bunch of stuff on the floor and there we go all right is this? Oh, it’s. All the way right up to here. This needs to be moved.
It does it can’t that can’t that’s, part of the closet. It’s built into the boat, you put it in there. No, we got water coming into there now and along with that headboard attached. No, no, we’re just going to lift it up and okay on these two, oh yeah, i was going to say, but if i lift it it’s.
Going to pivot that and it’s not going to go anywhere. [, Music, ]! Look at this lake out here! Oh my gosh wow! This is a lake. Is it a cold one? It’s filled with this one [ Music, ] wow. Okay, that trampoline is it full.
It’s, full holy. It’s completely full because jump on the trampoline, someone jump on it. Oh that just fell in. Oh no! You suck all the way down, look at that it’s touching yeah. This whole area is just a lake.
This water could be in our basement right now, but it’s. Not oh, my gosh. What happened? What happened? [ Laughter, ], [, Music, ], okay, let’s get out of here before anybody else falls through stay on the cement, [, Music ], oh okay, we’re gonna go out and assess the damage near.
It just keeps going in there flooded flooded, flooded completely. Oh look at the pool, it is nasty. Wow, hey, are you okay yeah? Are you sure, because there seems to be some swelling or something yeah? Are you okay down here’s, the grinch? Okay? Oh okay, your legs are back.
You got all your stuff, yes, where is it right here and then? Okay right here right here, have fun guys choices? Okay, guys, love! You! Thank you for canyon! Thank you. You’re. Welcome! Oh, i dropped something.
Okay, bye, kids, love! You bye, bye, bye, bye, okay, thanks for having me i’ll call you i’ll. Let you know. Okay, thanks see you in the morning. Okay, get some sleep, so um, the littles, savannah, lizzie, az and canyon and danielle are sorry ali all went.
They went with sarah’s, other other mom, our other mom um. Now that they’re gone, i don’t know what we’re, going to do other than eat ice cream and just freaking sit here and cry sounds like a good idea.
Oh danielle does have real like ice cream. Um, because if you hear that noise, it’s, not stopping it’s still going it’s, not even slowing down it’s, just it’s literally like assessed damage. Once things start slowing down and see what happens, and so you got a hold of a company and what’s? Gon na happen, they’ll, be here in the morning.
They said they’re, getting a call a minute and they’re, putting us on the list in order of calls they don’t know when they’re gonna be here, though they said they’ll, be here first thing in the morning: oh, i said there’s, no point in coming until the rain stops because it’s just flowing in so our pool was three inches low.
Earlier today. Remember yeah! It’s, full it’s like crazy. Three inches of water in one spot is a lot of water and we found out the hard way right there. There’s like i’m glad you guys made it and i’m glad tr was here literally because we wouldn & # 39.
T have been able to do what we did. Everything was, everything was set up like just perfect. If we were talking about it earlier, really we weren’t. We were like, should we come down today or should we wait like we got here right before the storm started yeah, so we got here tonight which we could have got here yet or tomorrow or the next day yeah, the next tier guys we could have been Driving in the storm for about an hour yeah driving in the store stuck there yeah.
Third, when the window broke, we had everything else moved and we were not. Everyone’s out of the way everyone was out of the way. I would just like to say we were standing there and i said we have seven to ten minutes before that window breaks and this water goes about right.

Well, the one that got it the most was tr and i’ve, never seen you move that fast. It was like super human speed. It was like the movies where they like run on the wall and like it yeah insane. It was super.
It was crazy, but there was like glass flying at you. Yes, like literally, i thought it was a wave and then i was like what about tr, and then i saw him just like in enough time would be like this and go over, and i was like that’s when i lost it.
Maybe there’s, some people out there need some help, so we’re gonna go look around see if we can maybe help some other. Currently, people services first responders are focusing on life safety wow and i’m in like tears for them.
This is a floating floor. It’s floating it’s literally, like five inches up off of the floor. Oh, my gosh